

The Executive Committee is made up of your Union Officers. They meet every other week during term time to discuss campaigns, projects, policy and update each other on what they have been up to. 



President Asian, Arab and Ethnic Minority Officer BU Business School Officer
Vice-President Education Black Students' Officer Faculty of Health and Social Sciences Officer
Vice-President Student Opportunities Disabilities, Accessibility and Neuro-Diverse Officer Faculty of Media and Communication Officer
Vice-President Welfare and Community LGBTQ+ Officer Faculty of Science and Technology Officer
  Trans, Non-Binary, Intersex and Gender Identities Plus Officer  
  Women's Officer  


Find out more about the Union Officers here

2024/25 Meetings

Date Time Location Agenda and Papers Minutes
16/10/24 3:30-5pm TBC TBC TBC
30/10/24 3:30-5pm      
13/11/24 3:30-5pm      
27/11/24 3:30-5pm      
11/12/24 3:30-5pm      
8/1/25 3:30-5pm      
22/1/25 3:30-5pm      
5/2/25 3:30-5pm      
19/2/25 3:30-5pm      
5/3/25 3:30-5pm      
19/3/25 3:30-5pm      
2/4/25 3:30-5pm      
16/4/25 3:30-5pm      
30/4/25 3:30-5pm      
14/5/25 3:30-5pm      
28/5/25 3:30-5pm      


Past Meetings:

2023/24 Meetings

Date Time Location Agenda and Papers Minutes
1/11/23 4pm-5pm F304 EC-2324-01-01 EC-2324-01-02
15/11/23 4pm-5pm F304 EC-2324-02-01 EC-2324-02-02
30/11/23 4pm-5pm F301 EC-2324-03-01 EC-2324-03-02
13/12/23 4pm-5pm F304







10/1/24 4pm-5pm F304



24/1/24 4pm-5pm BG315 EC-2324-06-01 EC-2324-06-02
7/2/24 4pm-5pm F304 EC-2324-07-01 EC-2324-07-02
21/2/24 4pm-5pm F304 EC-2324-08-01 EC-2324-08-02
6/3/24 4pm-5pm F304 EC-2324-09-01 EC-2324-09-02
20/3/24 4pm-5pm F304 EC-2324-10-01 EC-2324-10-02
3/4/24 4pm-5pm F304 EC-2324-11-01 EC-2324-11-02
17/4/24 4pm-5pm F304 EC-2324-12-01 EC-2324-12-02
1/5/24 4pm-5pm F304 EC-2324-13-01 EC-2324-13-02
15/5/24 4pm-5pm F304 EC-2324-14-01 EC-2324-14-02
29/5/24 4pm-5pm F304 EC-2324-15-01 EC-2324-15-02

Previous Years Minutes:

View the minutes here