Your Buddy Scheme Handbook
Welcome to the BU Business School Buddy Scheme!
The BU Business School Buddy Scheme is a non-academic, peer to peer support scheme, designed by the Full-Time Student Officers and coordinated by SUBU (Students’ Union at Bournemouth University).
Coming to University can be quite daunting. We understand that it can be difficult to strike up new friendships and settle in. Often it can help to speak to someone who has done it all before. That’s why we’ve set up the BU Business School Buddy Scheme. The Buddy Scheme matches returning BU students (Buddy Scheme Leads) with new students (Buddies). They then go through a four week programme which introduces them to life at BU, SUBU and Bournemouth.
What are the aims and benefits of the Scheme?
The Scheme matches up new BUBS students (Buddies) with continuing students (Buddy Scheme Leads) who can share hints and tips for settling into life at university.
The scheme aims to:
- Make the transition to university smoother and less stressful for new students.
- Foster a sense of community and support amongst new BUBS students.
- Create an opportunity for Buddy Scheme Leads to develop and demonstrate organisational and communication skills to enrich their CV.
- Help new students make friends and also reduce social anxiety, imposter syndrome, social isolation, homesickness and loneliness.
What are the Responsibilities of a Lead?
- Leads will be matched with a group of around 10 Business School students, all new to Bournemouth University.
- Leads will independently organise a meet-up with their Buddies once per week during the Scheme. They will be provided with some resources to guide them a week in advance.
- Leads will signpost their Buddies to essential BU and SUBU services which they will be briefed on in their training. The themes for each week and the links in this handbook will help you too!
- The scheme will last for 4 weeks, and you will cover a different theme each week. The Lead and their Buddies should follow the Scheme’s schedule, using the resources provided by SUBU.
- Leads should do their best to ensure their Buddies are respectful of each other. It is important for Leads to be aware of the dynamic between the Buddies in their group as well as their dynamic with each Buddy.
- Leads should be respectful of their Buddies' time and commitments. They should also encourage Buddies to be respectful of their time and commitments as well as each other’s.
- Leads should communicate with their Buddies in an empathetic and respectful manner. Buddies are completely new to a university environment and may require patience when learning how things work.
- Buddies might come from a very different backgrounds to their Leads. Leads should remember to be considerate and openminded when getting to know them. Leads should also encourage their Buddies to be aware and considerate of any cultural differences between each other.
Top Tips for Buddy Scheme Leads
- Maintain a positive, teaching frame of mind.
- Adapt your communication styles based on your Buddies’ personalities.
- You are not expected to be perfect or know everything, reach out to the SUBU team if you need help.
- Stay positive and support the new Buddies that are assigned to you.
- Don’t try to cover everything right away. Remember, your Buddies are new to the BU community and more than likely will feel overwhelmed during the first couple of weeks.
Please note: Buddy Scheme Leads are not qualified or responsible for giving mental wellbeing, healthcare, housing, or immigration related help. They should signpost their Buddies to the right teams in SUBU and BU.
What can a new Buddy expect?
- Buddies will be matched with a Buddy Scheme Lead in a group with nine other Buddies.
- Buddies will attend a weekly meet-up with their fellow Buddies and Buddy Scheme Lead. These meet-ups will be organised by the Lead.
- In order to achieve the best possible experience, we encourage all Buddies to try to get to know their Lead and fellow Buddies as soon as possible. This can be done in the first meet-up and in the first Buddy Scheme social.
- The scheme will last for 4 weeks, and you will cover a different theme each week. The Lead and their Buddies should follow the Scheme’s schedule, using the resources provided by SUBU.
- The Buddy Scheme Lead will provide their Buddies with advice on how to contact key support services within BU and SUBU.
- Each week, Buddies will be shown what SUBU social events are coming up by their Lead.
- A Buddy may choose to get involved in informal activities such as club/ society activities, coffee or lunch with their Lead or fellow Buddies but this is not a mandatory part of the scheme.
- A Buddy should always remember to be respectful when communicating with their Buddy Scheme Lead and fellow Buddies.
- All Buddies should be conscious of the other Buddies in their group. It is important that everyone in the group feels welcome and included.
Links to Support Services
The Business School Buddy Scheme is a non-academic, peer to peer support scheme, designed by the Full-Time Student Officers and coordinated by SUBU (Students’ Union at Bournemouth University).
The scheme will last for four (4) weeks and you will cover a different theme each week. You and your Buddies will meet each week to discuss each theme.
WEEK 1 (W/C 7th October): Belong
This week is about creating a sense of belonging for your Buddies, making them feel welcome at the start of the scheme. This will offer you a great chance to get to know your Buddies a bit better, for them to get to know you and for them to get to know each other. You will promote the variety of different ways new students can get more involved with BU and SUBU, including events, Volunteering and SportBU.
Relevant links:
WEEK 2 (W/C 14th October): Health
This week will focus on encouraging your Buddies to be aware of their physical health. You will make your Buddies aware of the local GP on campus, the Medical Centre, and show them the different sports clubs and facilities that are available from both SUBU and SportBU.
Relevant links:
WEEK 3 (W/C 21st October): Money
In this week you will encourage your Buddies to be aware of the importance of managing their finances. You will promote current cost of living support available from both BU and SUBU. You will also explore the developmental activities available to your Buddies, in order to help them improve their CVs and help them get part-time jobs. This will include promoting Academic Societies, Careers BU, Student Reps and the Volunteering Hub.
Relevant links:
WEEK 4 (W/C 28th October): Mind
You will promote the importance of mental health and wellbeing to your Buddies. You will signpost the support services available to your Buddies, such as SUBU Advice and the BU University Retreat.
Relevant links:
Still have questions?
If a Buddy Scheme Lead is unsure how to answer a question, ASKBU and SUBU Advice are a one-stop-shop for student enquiries.
Ask BU are based at both Talbot and Lansdowne campuses; drop-in to see them at The Base in Poole House or at the Help zone in the Bournemouth Gateway Building (BGB).
Phone: 01202 969696
SUBU Advice are based at both Talbot and Lansdowne campuses; drop-in to see them on the 2nd floor of the Student Centre.
Phone: 01202 96577