

The Students’ Union at BU Ltd is a Company Registered in England and Wales 12592489, Charity Number 1189548. The Students’ Union at BU, or SUBU, as we are more commonly known, has a Trustee Board, which ensures the effective stewardship of the Students’ Union. The Trustee Board is responsible for the financial, legal and reputational integrity of the Students’ Union and works with the Chief Executive and Management team to set the strategic direction of the organisation.



Trustee Board Membership


The SUBU Trustee Board is made up of four democratically elected sabbatical officers, including the President who is the chair of the board. The Trustee Board is also made up of lay trustees and student trustees.

For 2022/23, the Trustee Board is made up of the following individuals:


The Full-Time Officers


Esther Chinenye Isaiah

Esther Chinenye Isaiah


SU President

Grace Egbonna Ehiosun

Grace Egbonna Ehiosun

VP Education

Jeffrey Ononiwu

Jeffrey Ononiwu


VP Student Opportunities

Fatima Farha

Fatima Farha

VP Welfare & Community


Lay Trustees

Catriona Cannon

Catriona Cannon

Martin James

Martin James

Seun Omoha

Nicole Thompson

Mark Ealing

Mark Ealing

Nicole Thompson

Stuart Mccullock


Student Trustees

Grace Forester

Grace Forester

Keely Khan

Keely Khan

Do you want to become a Student Trustee? Apply here


Trustee Board Meetings

The Trustee Board meets up to five times across the academic year. The Trustee Board is supported via two committees: The Audit and Risk Committee and the Human Resources Committee. These also meet several times throughout the year. Minutes from previous Trustee Board meetings can be found here.


SUBU Strategic Plan

SUBU’s new three-year Strategic Plan was launched in August 2021. This represents an ambitious new phase in SUBU’s commitment to being an excellent Students’ Union for all BU students.
Click here to download our 2021-24 Strategic Plan