
We care about your opinions at SUBU

SUBU's Student Voice & Policy team work hard to ensure we have different mechanisms to gather your voice about your Student Experience and give you opportunities to have your say on different aspects of your University life. We work very closely with your Full-Time Officers and our Democracy and Campaigns Department to ensure your voice is heard and acted upon.

Here are the different ways you can get involved in Student Voice!


SimOn is our number one tool to gather feedback about your student experience. Want to tell us how things are going? Use SimOn!


Student Reps

Student Reps are elected students that gather feedback on the Student Experience and represent their cohorts interests at meetings. Want to know more about Student Reps? Find out more!


Speak Week

Speak Week is a week-long event that takes place in November and March. We use Speak Week to gather feedback about your Student Experience overall and how SUBU is meeting your expectations and working for your benefit. It's our single biggest feedback-gathering expercise, and we need you to take part!


Our work on Students Issues

Your feedback informs our work and empowers our Full-Time Officers to lobby the University for change. Want to see what we've worked on over the last year?.


How do policies work at SUBU?

SUBU is constantly working to ensure our own internal policies reflect the Student Experience and meets students' needs. You can submit your own ideas on our Ideas platform, or discuss them at our SUBU Summit! Over the last year we've worked on a number of policies that you can check here.


Represent your communities!

SUBU has a number of student communities that need students to actively work for their benefit. Do you see yourself as a leader? Put yourself forward for our Part-Time officer elections!.


"You're Brilliant!" Awards

Our "You're Brilliant!" Awards (YBA for short) are a recognition scheme aimed to praise members of staff at BU that have gone above and beyond to make your experience amazing! Has a member of staff at BU (lecturers, cafe staff, bus drivers, or even SUBU staff) gone above and beyond to make your experience great? Nominate them for a YBA!