

Full-Time Officers


Esther Chinenye Isaiah

Esther Chinenye Isaiah


SU President

Grace Egbonna Ehiosun

Grace Egbonna Ehiosun

VP Education

Jeffery Ononiwu

Jeffery Ononiwu


VP Student Opportunities

Fatima Farha

Fatima Farha

VP Welfare & Community



We are your Full-Time Union Officer team for 2024/25, your elected representatives for the year ahead.  

As a BU Student, you are automatically a member of the Students’ Union at Bournemouth University, and we can’t wait to meet you!

Our priority as elected officers of your Students’ Union (SUBU) is to ensure fairness for all, and that your voice is heard- both within the Union and the University. There are so many incredible opportunities for you here, from becoming an elected officer, collecting feedback as a Student Rep, joining our Liberation Campaigns, over 120 Clubs and Societies and much more.

We hope you enjoy reading about our aims for the year ahead, we are very excited to be representing you. If you would like to pay us a visit or talk to us about anything, please come and see us in the Student Centre (Talbot Campus) on the first floor or in our office on the third floor in Bournemouth Gateway Building on Lansdowne Campus.

Best wishes,

Esther, Grace, Jeffery and Fatima


Your 2024/25 Part-Time Officers

SUBU's Part-Time officers are current students elected to represent student communities and faculties across the university. Along with the Full-Time Officers they form your Executive Committee who help to guide the work of SUBU and the representation of students.



Asian, Arab & Ethnic Minority Officer

Balpreet Kour (She/Her)

Photo of Khuwaylah

Black Students' Officer

Khuwaylah James

Photo of Andrew

Disabilities, Accessibility and Neuro-Diverse Officer

Andrew Carter (He/Him)

Photo of Rhys

LGBTQ+ Officer

Rhys Smith (He/Him)

Photo of Elm

Trans, Non-Binary, Intersex & Gender Identity + Officer

Elm Murphy (They/Them)

Photo of Mia

Women's Officer

Mia Evans (She/Her)


Business School Officer

Eniola Agbeniga


Health & Social Sciences Officer


Photo of Georgia

Media & Communication Officer

Georgia Clayton (She/Her)

Photo of Cat

Science & Technology Officer

Cat Morris (She/Her)


Graduate Skills +

Taking part in this SUBU extra curricular activity counts towards the BU Graduate Skills Plus Award; designed to give you a structured way to develop and articulate the employability skills you gain whilst at BU. More information at