
The Black Students' Network supports students who self-define within that group. Your Officer is your first port of call to make suggestions, raise queries or ask questions about the work that the Officer is doing.

In the past, the Black Students' Network have worked alongside the VP Education on the Why is My Curriculum White Campaign, arranged events during Black History Month, run events for Black women including yoga classes and personal exploration sessions, and addressed the attainment gap for Black Students.

If you have any suggestions or motions you would like to put forward to improve the student journey for Black students, please complete the form below.

If you haven’t self-defined yet to keep up to date with events, meetings, and the work that the campaign is doing, please do so at the bottom of the page.

Photo of Godswill

Your Black Students Officer 2024/25 -Godswill Udo

What do you want from your officer?

  • Bring like-minded people together?
  • Advocate for your cause?
  • Enact change within the student community?

Self Definition

This section is designed for any student to self-define through the selection below. By self-defining you get automatic access to the associated Liberation Network.

This survey is no longer available.

Want to be an ally to the Black community and learn more about how you can support them? Head to their section on the Allyship Hub to find out what to watch, read and listen to make yourself a better ally.


Black Allyship Hub