presented by your vice-president welfare & community
Liberation group lead by your Trans, Non-Binary, Intersex and Gender Identity + Officer
An article by Stonewall that includes a Q&A about the Transgender community in the UK
Trans & Non-Binary advocate Brynn Tannehill presents a book that aims to dismistifiy and debunk common misconceptions about Trans people across different aspects of life.
A Trans led non-profit that offers free 4-month blocks of therapy for Black Transgender and Non-Binary people in the UK
GI is a charity that works to increase understandings of gender diversity and improve the lives of trans people.
Munroe Bergdorf is an activist and model who has spoken out on racism, Trans Activism and inclusivity
An organisation based in the US that cultivates spaces & opportunities for Trans people of colour. The group focuses on helping Trans women/femmes of colour access resources & incentives that they wouldn't of been able to accquire due their their identities.
Az Franco is a trans non-binary artist, activist & writer that creates content educating people and bringing awareness to the lives of trans & non-binary people.
Join Caitlin Benedict & Amrou Al-Kadhi as they ask the big questions about gender & identity.
A podcast that tells trans stories and advances narratives about culture, history and healing within the transgender community
A podcast that focuses on transgender history with a slice of gossip and glamour thrown in for good measure!
Oops That's Transphobic is your guide to how to be an ally to the Trans and Non-Binary community presented by your Trans, Non-Binary, Intersex and Gender Identity + Officer, Leon, and your LGBTQ+ Officer, Jodie.
Audrey Mason-Hyde discusses the spectrum of gender, and why sometimes 'girl' or 'boy' doesn't feel right.
A UK Trans-Led film project that creates short films/videos on the lives of Trans people in the UK.
In this moving and powerful talk, Sabah talks about his life as a transgender Muslim and how his different identities collide.
Minutes with UNILAD interviewed Roshaante Andersen who is an intersex man. He shared his experience growing up as an intersex person and what he decided to identify with as he became older.