Owen Cranston

Candidate for President


My Manifesto

We run our Student Union. Or do we? Student life is getting harder; we can all feel it in our pockets, our mental wellbeing and our workload. Our union should be there to support us, but so often it fails, often making our experience worse. SUBU is often broken, but together – we can fix it.

To help make a change, Vote Owen for SUBU President; If I’m not your first choice, put me as your second.

How Can We Make BU Better?

  • Make YOUR Study Evenings Easier

Working on campus overnight is a pain. I will introduce more vending machines around campus to enable you to get easy access to food; which will also shorten the food queues during the day. Alongside lengthening SUBU’s opening times, making sure paths off-campus are lit and extending the duration of the revision bus so you can use it a week before exams start.

  • Make SUBU Events Relevant

SUBU wastes thousands on events you don’t care about, while it cuts and poorly supports student-led ones. I will ensure all events have a student focus not commercial and that student-run events get the support they need.

  • Improve Democracy

SUBU democracy is broken. Every election, many complaints get made, yet students don’t feel like they get properly investigated. Alongside this Lansdown no longer has any elected representation. I will ensure that elections are as transparent as possible and re-introduce Lansdowne representation.

Quickfire Policies

  • Invest in Student Media
  • Reform Activity Funding
  • Improve Communication

I’ve held an active role in SUBU for over two years, within Nerve and on other Committees. I have seen both the best and the worse of SUBU, help me make it better for you, Vote Owen or Tweet me to find out more @Owen4President_.

Together, we can fix SUBU – Vote Owen Cranston.