LGBTQ+ History Month at SUBU


is now!

What is LGBTQ+ History Month?

February marks LGBTQ+ History Month, first observed in the UK in 2005. LGBTQ+ History Month is all about 'claiming our past - celebrating our present - creating our future' with event looking at the community's history as well as looking at improving the lives of LGBTQ+ people in the future as well.

This year is the 20th anniversary of LGBTQ+ History Month being celebrated in the UK thanks to Schools Out UK who first started it in 2005.

When is LGBTQ+ History Month?

Similarly to Black History Month, LGBTQ+ History Month is celebrated at different times of the year depending on where you are in the world. In the USE, Canada and Australia is it celebrated in October to conicide with National Coming Out Day  and to commemorate the first two LGBTQ+ rights marched in Washington in 1979 and 1987. In Berlin it is called Queer History Month and takes place in May. In the UK however it is celebrated in February which conicides with the abolition of Section 28, which prohibited the 'promotion of homosexuality' by local authorities including in schools, in 2003 and was first celebrated in 2005.

What is the difference between LGBTQ+ History Month and Pride Month?

While they are both all about the LGBTQ+ community, LGBTQ+ History Month (February) and Pride Month (June) have two different purposes. LGBTQ+ History Month is all about what it's called - history! it provides an opportunity to celebrate the rich queer history that exists in the UK and around the world. Pride month is very much focussed on raising awareness about current issues the community is facing and giving the community that chance to celebrate their diversity and individuality.

LGBTQ+ History Month at SUBU

At SUBU we mark the month with a collection of activities to explore the history of the LGBTQ+ community and provide space for LGBTQ+ students to celebrate their "being", both historical and present This work is led by your LGBTQ+ and Trans, Non-Binary, Intersex and Gender Identity + Officers with support from SUBU staff and groups such as clubs & societies and Nerve Media. 

Our events are open to all students, unless otherwise specified, and we encourage you to get involved whether you are part of the LGBTQ+ Community or an ally. Most events are free but make sure to register for a ticket so we know how many people to expect at our event. You can find more details below!

How can I support the LGBTQ+ community during the month and beyond?

It's great that you want to support the LGBTQ+ community and it couldn't be easier. You can be an ally by coming along to the events we are hosting throughout the month, grab yourself a pronoun badge from us, donate to LGBTQ+ supporting charities or learn about the community by checking out the multitude of resources available on the Allyship hub below!


What about the rest of the year?

At SUBU, we know that while LGBTQ+ History Month is a time where the spotlight is on the LGBTQ+ community and their invaluable contributions to history, past and present, it is important to empower and champion our LGBTQ+ students all year round and to be an active ally to them too.

LGBTQ+ and Trans, Non-Binary, Intersex and Gender Identity + Network LogosThis is where the LGBTQ+ and Trans, Non-Binary Intersex and Gender Identity + Networks come in. No matter where you come in the acronym, these networks are for you! Or maybe you're an ally wo want to support and empower the LGBTQ+ community at BU. Whichever way you identify you can easily be kept up to date by self-defining with the Networks below