Disability History Month is all about raising awareness of and providing a platform to disabled people and the impact they have had on history. Since the first UK Disability History Month in 2010, there has been a huge increase in interest and engagement with the month. This year's national theme is Disability, Children and Youth. If you want to find out more about Disability History Month nationally you can here.
SUBU creates events and awareness campaigns as part of Disability History Month which encompasses all members of the Disabilities, Accessibility and Neuro-Diverse Network, as well as allies to the community.
Nationally Disability History Month runs form 16th November to 16th December this year. This is to encompass a number of awareness weeks and days related to the Disabled community. It also straddles two months to help schools have four weeks of term time to have talk about and celebrate Disabled history.
At SUBU we are planning activity throughout the month of November so you have plenty of time to get involved before the festive season!
We have been working with your Disabilities, Accessibility and Neuro-Diverse Officer, Andrew to curate a programme of events to celebrate, empower and support Disabled students at BU as well as encourage students to be allies to Disabled students. We have a number of events lined up below for you to get involved in whether you are disabled yourself or not
Getting involved couldn't be easier - Just click on the event you are interested in below to find out more and grab your ticket where needed.
As well as working on our own events for Disability History Month, we have been liasing with a number of teams across the university. CareersBU have a number of events to help Disabled students get ready for the working world. You can find all BU events below
There are a number of ways to be an ally for the Disabled community be it coming along to events that are open to everyone, donating to charities that help Disabled people or learning through the various resources on SUBU's Allyship Hub which can be found by clicking the button below!
At SUBU, we know that while Disability History Month is a time where the spotlight is on the Disabled community and their invaluable contributions to history, past and present, it is important to empower and champion our Disabled students all year round and to be an active ally to them too.
This is where the Disabilities, Accessibility and Neuro-Diverse Network comes in! Whether you are Disabled, Neuro-Diverse or have access needs or are an ally you can easily be kept up to date by self-defining with the network below