Why Join Us?
1) Meet other OT Students
2) Support and Advice 
3) Community Engagement

What do we do?

Welcome to the Bournemouth University Occupational Therapy Society!

  • Through our OT-based events, we provide a space for Occupational Therapy students and Occupational Therapists across all year groups and areas of practice to collaborate and connect with each other. 
  • We aim to facilitate conversations about Occupational Therapy and our role as Occupational Therapists in everyday life.
  • We encourage connection and integration with our local community through voluntary activities that put occupational therapy into action.
  • Regular group talks, events and podcasts with OT related speakers

This is your OT society so let us know what you want from us this year!


Upcoming Events


Have a great few weeks!

Upcoming sessions :

Monday 9th December - [1 - 3 PM , BG217] - CHRISTMAS QUIZ!!  



Good Gym Bournemouth - are a local charity who run, walk, or cycle to help out community projects and older people in Bournemouth. We enjoy attending the Good Gym's community group missions to help out in our local community. See their website here www.goodgym.org/v3/areas/bournemouth

Any questions about events don't hesitate to email us


When and Where?

Lansdowne Campus 


Meet the Committee

President:  Milly Corden-Lloyd

Secretary: Sophie Cuff

Treasurer: Abi Brierley

Social Secretary: Olivia Cassar




