-Why Join Us?-

  • We encourage a supportive, kind and inclusive community of improvisors. 
  • We welcome everyone, regardless of experience and background! 
  • We teach improv comedy, which will help build your confidence

-What do we do?-

University is the perfect place to try new and scary things. What could be scarier than standing in front of a bunch of strangers and trying to make them laugh with no script or plan? This is the society where we teach you how to do it.

We will teach you the fundamental skills necessary for improv, and provide an encouraging environment for you to hone your collaborative skills and find your comedic voice. Here are some of the things we have done in ImprovSoc: 

  • Drop-in sessions twice a week (It's never too late to join!)
  • Workshops with experienced improv coaches
  • Live performances in Bournemouth
  • We perform at Edinburgh Fringe - a week long run at the Free Fringe in Edinburgh.
  • Collaborated with the BBC Centre on a live improv show.

As fun and crazy as these events are, every single thing we do here is 100% voluntary across the board - if you just want to stop by to chat and play, then you are absolutely welcome! The more the merrier :)

Want to see what we do?

Come and watch any of our sessions or performances, or check out our YouTube channel to see full recordings of some of our performances!

Fresher's 2023 Taster Events

AUB taster Session - When: Wednesday 11th October 5:00pm-7:00pm. Location: B001.

ANY session can be your first session, though! We do sessions every week at the same time!

Our regular sessions are Monday's 7:00pm-10:00pm (Our rehersal sessions) and Wednesday's are 7:00pm-9:00pm (Our casual sessions).

Our regualr sessions are held in Kimemrage House, K103. This can be found on the first floor of Kimmeridge House on Talbot Campus:

Weekly Sessions

Rehearsal Session - Mondays, 7pm-10pm, in K103

Casual Session - Wednesdays, 7pm - 9pm in K103

ANY session can be your first session! If you're not sure, please do reach out to the committee to ask any questions you have! 

Contact us on InstagramDiscord or Facebook.

An Improv Taster session, a large group of people stood in a circle taking part in a game.

Join our Instagram PageDiscord Server or Facebook Group for updates on drop in sessions on the day!

Rehearsal and Casual sessions

In rehearsal sessions (Every Monday) we:

  • Teach and strengthen on stage confidence
  • Reflect on our performances and how to improve as a team
  • Learn the structure and how to do Improv Comedy!

Where as Casual sessions (Every Wednesday) are:

  • Very relaxed
  • Just have fun with Improv
  • Play Improv based games! (Like GCSE drama games)

When and Where?

*To be confirmed, check back for updates*

For updates and details, join our Instargram PageDiscord Server or Facebook Group.

-2023 Edinburgh Fringe Trip-

Our performance was called 'Jury Duty', a group of "Lawyers" (the Improvisors) would act out the supposed crimes of an audience member!

We performed for 7 days, raising money for the society through the audience's donations!

One of the Improvisors from the troop dressed up like a Judge, ready for a performance. This is Dan, he's a super awesome and kind guy.Some of the Bournemouth University Troop in the middle of a performance, while one dressed up like a judge is pointing a gavel at the other three.

In our time off from performances, we were able to explore the beautiful city of Edinburgh and the local culture, and go see other Fringe performance's.

Find more about the trip on our Instagram

Meet the Committee:



A group of the Bournemouth University improv troop in the middle of a performance.



  • Edinburgh fringe Sat 10 Aug 2024 - Members£165.00
