Why Join Us?

We are not exclusively for history students, we welcome all! As joining our society is a unique opportunity for learning & growth and a way to enhance your knowledge and skills. This is also a great way to expand your networking as you can connect with like-minded individuals through fun social activities organised by the committee and members suggestions.

What do we do?

  • Organise fun social events, like going clubbing with a great (occasionally themed) pres to start the evening, but also sober socials are an alternative we offer.
  • Have historical anniversary film nights, with tuck shop and student friendly prices with proceeds going towards a charity
  • Study sessions - to help you with your assignments (snacks provided)
  • Guest lectures that cover interests not covered by the curriculum. 
  • Possible Field trips to archives, museums and historical sites (these events will likely include a small fee due to admissions and travel). 

We also listen to our members. If there is anything you want to see us do, reach out and we will see what we can get organised. 

When and Where?

All communications around our social events will be provided on social media, at least, a week in advance.

Meet the Committee*

President: Harvey Bone

Email: s5615355@bournemouth.ac.uk

Communications: Charlie Birt

Email: s5606820@bournemouth.ac.uk

Treasurer:  Ally Breen

Email: s5616930@bournemouth.ac.uk

Social Secretary: Kashifa Ali

Email: s5610527@bournemouth.ac.uk

Health & Safety Officer: Anna Widdowson 

Email: s5606933@bournemouth.ac.uk


*subject to change due to SUBU by-elections. Results are still being configured, and discrepencies resolved. 




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