Why Join Us?

Join the Environmental Sciences Society if you love David Attenborough and want to learn to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

1) A safe space for people who want to learn more about the environment and be more sustainable

2) Fun educated events

3) Spread awareness of environmental issues

What do we do?

We set up the Environmental Sciences Society with the aim to reduce the impact of our daily lives on the environment.

We aim to do this by raising awareness of sustainable living through educational documentary screenings and eco-socials.

We hope to provide guest speakers and trips to aid with university degrees and for personal interest. We will also work with the university and SUBU to make the university as environmentally friendly as possible.


Key Events

Refreshers Fair

Collaboration with Beach Champions

Christmas eco crafts

Documentary screenings

When and Where?

Talbot Campus

Meet the Committee

President:  Eleigh Moody

Communications: Caroline James

Treasurer: Jodie Bradley

Health & Safety:  Emily Lines

Equipment & Events:  




