Our goal is to foster a community centered around crafts involving yarn and needlework.
We aim to create a safe and supportive place for those interested in thread related hobbies so you can feel relaxed and comfortable sharing your creations in a welcoming environment; we are beginner friendlly and welcome people of all skill levels!
We intend to host a casual social every week in term time, where members will be invited to socialise and partake in their chosen crafts. We will also be hosting learning sessions in these socials for different threading hobbies you may want to learn.
Times and location: Tuesdays 5pm to 8pm in (TBD)
We will be hosting funrasiers for our chosen charities every 1 or 2 months, so look out for the annocuments of these on our socials and come support them!
We have a discord server where members can chat outside of our usual meetings.
We post all society updates about socials and such on our discord and instagram!