Adult Nursing Society (ANS) is the principal point of contact for nursing students. We will offer support and guidance for all student nurses, and organise fun social events at student friendly venues around Bournemouth. We will host ANS fortnightly meetings which would consist of getting together to catch up and take a break from academic studies or clinical placements. In these meetings everyone can openly discuss any concerns they have, and reassurance and comfort can be offered from other members of the society. A nursing degree requires hard work and dedication so this society would allow us student nurses' to be there for one another by sharing our good times and bad times! The society would offer activities of academic support where members are able to help each other with upcoming deadlines for assignments and projects. During our meetings we can plan future events with everybody's input so they are tailored to every members wishes. Events would include charity events, industry talks and a good old party. There will be opportunities to network with other nursing students, colleagues, professionals and service users in the local community by inviting them to talk about their lived experiences. All student nurses will be welcome to join; we are a society that will always provide help to its members and will help make your university experience amazing. Nursing students from all years are very welcome!
Please email us on with any questions.