Welcome to the Debate Society!


Our Goals:

Promote critical thinking and discussion through the form of socratic debate.

Give students a voice to ask intriguing questions and if all goes well get valuable answers.

Keep people talking, once we stop talking and debating violence is inevitable.

Get university staff, politicians and exeperts to the club to host debates so that we can learn and challenege.

No idea, institution or topic is off the table - anything and everything will be challenged.


Why you should join:

Engage in regular debates on campus and through others learn about the world around us.

Grow your voice through participation, asking questions or just by gaining knowledge.

Fight real issues in society with the only eternal weapon you posses: your voice.


How to get involved:

Membership is FREE we dont believe that speaking your mind should come with a price.

Get a membership through the SUBU website at the top of this page.

Follow us on Instagram - @debatesociety_bu

Email us - debatesocbu@gmail.com

Check all of these sources to find out when our next debate will be and vote for topics.



President - Conn Finnegan

Secretary - Nell Delaney

Treasurer - Izzy Elia






No elections are currently running