Farewell to SUBU’s President - Omuwa Ayomoto

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Farewell to SUBU’s President - Omuwa Ayomoto 

After two incredible years with SUBU – firstly as your VP Student Opportunities and this last year as SUBU’s President – we are sad to say goodbye today to the brilliant Omuwa Ayomoto!

Her presidency was a roller-coaster, she achieved so much and made a real difference at BU!

She acted with professionalism and integrity, putting students first, and ensuring their University experience is the best it can be.

Many students reached out to Omuwa with their issues, and with the help of SUBU’s and BU’s dedicated teams, she gave everything to represent and support them.

This year, under Omuwa’s leadership, we launched the International Students Working Group, making sure international students’ voices are heard, they can access advice, personalised support, and clear communications.

To help students transition into University life, Omuwa also led on a successful “Be-a-Buddy” peer-to-peer support scheme pilot, which attracted over 280 students!

Omuwa is passionate about graduate careers and she partnered with Careers BU and the BU Alumni team to develop meaningful face to face and online employer and alumni events – from careers fairs, to mentoring and student business forums and networking events.

As your SUBU President, Omuwa was invited to represent you by speaking at countless events - from the Graduation Ceremony involving thousands of students, academics, and guests, to senior management meetings and presentations, to working with University leaders, attending conferences and chairing the SUBU Trustee Board!

We hope you join all of us at SUBU to thank Omuwa for all her hard work and achievements and for making the most of her President role and wish her all the success in her next chapter!

