10 reasons why you should holiday solo

In today’s world we are always making sure we are pleasing others, whilst keeping ourselves happy. Compromising is a part of everyday life, whether this is with friends or within romantic relationships. There is always a feeling we must meet in the middle and consider others.

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In today’s world we are always making sure we are pleasing others, whilst keeping ourselves happy. Compromising is a part of everyday life, whether this is with friends or within romantic relationships. There is always a feeling we must meet in the middle and consider others.

Learning to deal with things not going our way is important but it is also important that we do sometimes practice a little self-love and put ourselves first. This article is designed to give you a guide on why you should holiday solo.


When you have officially decided you are going to holiday alone, you realise you have no one else to please but yourself. You think about where you have always wanted to go, what you have always wanted to do or how long you want to go away for. The freedom you have learnt within those few moments is incredibly exciting.


Once you have decided where you are going, you can begin to think about why you chose that place, have you chosen a beach/spa getaway to escape a busy life and relax; or a place filled with museums and culture to learn about? 

No matter what you chose, it is for you! You can plan and book in advanced activities you know you will definitely want to do. Once these have been planned for on top of your already booked holiday, the excitement grows even more!


Making friends when on holiday, believe it or not, is easier when you are there on your own. For example, some tourist activities you book may involve groups where other families and conversations of similar interest will crop up naturally. 

If you are hitting the restaurants and nightlife as a single person, even in foreign countries, you are a lot more approachable. This does take a bit of a confidence build but if you are out with friends, you are more likely to stick to those friends as it’s your comfort zone.


When alone, lots of people are more intrigued in what is going on around them, to use a more common phrase “people watching”. This ‘want to be involved’ attitude can open our minds, maybe you decide to take a class to learn about the culture, or you make a new friend and learn about the culture through them.


Let’s face it… no matter how much we love them, our friends, family, boyfriends/girlfriends, they all have little annoying habits that we could do without. During most days, we deal with them no problem, but it is healthy for us to let go and forget about them for a while.


This alone time will give you time to reflect. Reflection is an important part of everyday life, but due to people’s busy lives this reflection time is often deemed “not important” and therefore overlooked. 

Allowing this reflection time, whilst sitting in a relaxed environment with no distractions, will cause you to realise things that you want to happen or change when you get back home. For example, maybe you realise how to improve your career, or have thought of a way to make your morning routine easier. Whatever it may be, it is a breakthrough!


Once you have done something outside your comfort zone, enjoyed it, and realised the benefits it has on your life, both short and long term; you will not only want to do it again, but you will gain confidence in yourself and in lots of other different ways too. I found it helped me with speaking to locals, making new friends, doing more things for myself whether in my home life, career, or for pure enjoyment. You gain a bit of a “if I can step out my comfort zone once, I can do it again” thought process.


Naturally, being in an unfamiliar location and on your own will cause you to be more alert of what is happening around you, not in a paranoid way, it can be in an interesting way. 

You will notice things around that you may have missed, had you been on holiday with a friend or a family member. These are the moments you spend looking out a window whilst travelling on a train, you may see something and think to yourself “I must visit there before I leave”. 


We already touched on this slightly, but you will meet people, as said in unexpected friends. The people you meet will want to know why you set off on your own so boldly, and what brought you to this place. If you happen to meet a local, they will be eager to show you around, and find out what you want to do, and each person you encounter will bring more value to your trip.


No matter what happens to you on your solo holiday, one thing you can be certain of is that you will know yourself much better than you did at the start. You will have more of an idea of what you enjoy and what to avoid. At the end you can say, ‘this experience was not influenced by anyone else, I was able to form my own conclusions and opinions for myself.’ 

