
Valentine's Day
Silhouettes and icons representing Valentines

Lifestyle students Valentines


In the approach up to Christmas, motivation dwindles away, and we indulge on yummy food. As January approaches lots of us start to think about our resolutions and ways to better ourselves, with the most popular resolution being the aim to be healthier.
42% of gym membership sign-ups are in January, over half of those are unused after only 24 weeks.

Lifestyle New Years Fitness Resolutions Now

Surviving The January Blues

January is said to be the most depressing month of the year with the 24th being the most depressing day. Perhaps because the excitement of Christmas is over but it’s still cold and dark? The short wintery days seem to make sense when we’re surrounded by beautiful twinkling lights and sitting in the knowledge that soon there’ll be no university for about a month. But now it’s not so joyous, is it? December was fun, a good excuse to go shopping, buying gifts (for ourselves) with an unrelen

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10 reasons why you should holiday solo

In today’s world we are always making sure we are pleasing others, whilst keeping ourselves happy. Compromising is a part of everyday life, whether this is with friends or within romantic relationships. There is always a feeling we must meet in the middle and consider others.

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Winter Skincare Guide

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Easy date night recipes

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Christmas on a budget?

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Easy ways students can be more sustainable

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Money saving tips for students

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Student Wellbeing

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