
Candidate for the position of Vice-President Welfare & Community

Image for Zainab Abdul-Obitayo

Zainab Abdul-Obitayo

Hey! I’m Zainab.

You may know me as the Disabilities Officer or President of Threads Society, but now I’m hoping to use that experience to be an amazing VP of Welfare and Community.

If elected, I will focus on:

1. Helping students cope with the costs of living

As your VP of Welfare, I want to work on expanding the Community Kitchen so that there are less concerns about your next meal – such as expanding community kitchen to Lansdowne and adding accessible microwaves and kettles to 24/7 spaces. I also want to work with SUBU Advice to host financial literacy workshops, so students have more opportunities to learn how to budget, save and look after their money.

2. Improved signposting and information

Starting university and moving somewhere new is difficult. I want to create a booklet to be delivered within Halls filled with useful information. I hope to include sections such as: where you could find food shops selling food and ingredients from home and what do when you're thinking about dropping out.

3. Adding a review system to LettingsBU

Trying to find good and affordable private housing in Bournemouth sometimes feels impossible. As your VP of Welfare, I want to work with LettingsBU to add a review section their website to increase accountability of your landlord. 

4. Promoting and increasing accessibility throughout our campuses

Degrees are expensive, but with all the accessibility issues throughout campus, our disabled students often aren’t getting their money’s worth. I want to work with my fellow officers and BU to fix those problems, such working with external providers to add subtitles to graduation recordings or ensuring that students’ disability accommodations are being respected by their lecturers.

A vote for Zainab is a vote for a better time at Bournemouth Uni!