
Committee Elections

Club, Society and Nerve Committee By Election - October 2024

Applications are now OPEN

The Roles

This by election is for Club, Society and Nerve media outlets who either did not elect their full Committee during the Student Leader Elections (May 24) or were a new Club or Society formed after 01/01/24. Role descriptions for core roles can be viewed in our Elections handbooks below, if your Club or Society has additional roles entered in this by election, role descriptions are available from your current Committee. 

How does voting work?

Voting will take place online via the SUBU website. SUBU uses the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system which provides voters with much more choice and influence. STV means that candidates do not need to win a majority but instead must reach a quota/proportion of the vote. The quota is determined by the number of votes cast and the number of positions to be filled. For roles where there is only one position available the quota is half the total number of votes cast + 1.

When voting students select their candidates in order of preference and are able to vote for as many or as few as they like. When the voting has closed, Candidates are excluded if it is impossible for them to reach the quota, their votes are then transferred in order of preference, which ensures that fewer votes are wasted.

Key Dates

Applications Open

Monday 7th October - 10am

Applications Close

Sunday 13th October - 23:59pm

Voting Open

Monday 14th October - 10am

Voting Closes

Sunday 20th October - 23:59pm

Results Announced Online

Tuesday 22nd October - 4pm

Elections Regulations

All SUBU elections should be free and fair, which is why we have rules which govern our elections. You can find out more about election regulations and submit an elections complaint here.

Elections Officers - October 2024:

Club and Societies Returning Officer: Tammy Bowie, Student Opportunities Manager (

Never Media Outlet Returning Officer: Shani Legg, Head of Marketing and Communications (


Why do we elect Committee Members?

Our Clubs, Societies and Nerve Media outlets are student-led, supported by SUBU staff. As such, it is important you, the members, have a say in who leads your Society or Outlet during the Academic Year. 

Why is my Club, Society or Nerve Media outlet not in the election?

If your Society is not participating, it is because all roles in your Society's Committee are currently full!

Can I run for two roles?

Candidates can only hold one core role per Club or Society, that said, you are welcome to run for a Core role and an Additional role in the same Society or two Core roles in different groups. 

What is a manifesto?

A manifesto is how candidates sell themselves to voters; it sets out their aims and priorities and may also include a little bit about themselves and why they are the best person for the job. Manifesto’s become candidates promises to students about what they want to achieve if they are elected so it is important that they are realistic and achievable.

The key to writing an amazing manifesto is being in touch with the students who will be voting for you. Think about why you want to run and share it with BU Students have different experiences during their time at university, so think about what issues are currently important to students and to you. It is also worth remembering that there are many different types of students at BU and the manifestos promises that are the best are the ones that speak to ALL students. The best way to find out what students want is to speak to them.

You'll want to include:

  • Who you are
  • What role you are running for
  • Any relevant experience you have

Aim for around four of five policies that are the most important to you and the most appealing to students.

Be original and creative, but also practical. Students will expect you to achieve whatever you lay out in your manifesto so it is important that you keep this in mind. They’ll also know if something is unrealistic. The best policies strike the balance between what students want and what is achievable in a year.

Manifestos are completely optional in the Club, Society and Nerve Committee by election.

If you have any questions or difficulties with writing a manifesto, please get in touch with a member of the team via

How can I apply?

Once applications open, simply fill out the online form at the top of this page.

How does voting work?

Voting will take place online via the SUBU website. SUBU uses the Single Transferable Vote (STV) and Alternative Vote (AV) system which provides voters with much more choice and influence. STV/AV means that candidates do not need to win a majority, but instead must reach a quota/proportion of the vote. The quota is determined by the number of votes cast and the number of positions to be filled. For roles where there is only one position available the quota is half the total number of votes cast + 1. When voting students select their candidates in order of preference and are able to vote for as many or as few as they like. When the voting has closed, Candidates are excluded if it is impossible for them to reach the quota, their votes are then transferred in order of preference, this ensures that fewer votes are wasted.


If you have any questions about the election process get in touch with the Team at