Why Join Us?

  •  Discover obscurities and underground gems. Go beyond just mainstream blockbusters!

  •  Lively screenings and events are guaranteed. Enjoy post-film chats with a friendly crowd of fellow cinephiles!

  •  Experience true cult cinema classics, past and present. Find your next go-to cult favourite!

What We Do!

At the Cult Cinema Club, we're passionate about unearthing those unlikely films with astonishing backstories—the ones you only hear whispered about in the most cinematic circles. Our goal is to create a unique experience beyond just watching a movie. Through our screenings and lively post-film discussions, we aim to foster a deeper appreciation for these underground gems and the devoted fan communities that embrace them. Rather than simply projecting well-known blockbusters, we want to transport our audiences into an alternate realm where cinema means something more. Where every screening becomes an event and every film, no matter how obscure, gets its chance to shine among an enthusiastic crowd searching for their next great cinematic discovery. So come join our club if you crave something offbeat and exceptional. Let us be your guide into the weird and wonderful world of cult cinema! 

Once you have purchased a membership please contact the Instagram account above with proof of purchase. Thank you!

When and Where?

We host Bi-Weekly screenings every other Wednesday. Locations are posted closer to the Screening Date (BU Campus). 

Who are We?

President: Benji Albert

Communications: Luke Hobbs

Treasurer: James Hickey

Social Media: Hannah Lee



