Why Join BU Chess Society?

1. Regular chess sessions for players of all strengths.

2. Players can develop their interest and skill to improve their game.

3. Provide a relaxed and social environment for fellow students.

No matter whether you are looking to be the next grandmaster or just enjoyed The Queen's Gambit, we don't care! People of any experience and strength levels are welcome to join our chess community.

Where & When?

  • Sessions held weekly, Thursday 7pm - 9pm.

  • SUBU Building on Talbot Campus 5th floor.

What to Expect?

  • A Laidback atmosphere for members to converse and play chess

  • Chess classes for those who want to learn how to play

Meet the Committee:

Miss President - Manuela Mendes Spinetti Alves

Miss Secretary - Nadia DiVicenzo

Mr Treasurer - Max Nield




